One day 340 million shares of stocks were sold. Among them 3/4 are domestic stocks. Among all the stocks sold 3/5 belong to institutional transactions. What is the minimum number of domestic shares could be traded by private parties on that day? 想问下这道题怎么画图解决?
DS:n 是三个不同质数的积,这些质数都在 1-15 之间,问 n 是否<700?
其中一个条件是 n 与 70 没有公约数
DS:x,y,z 是三个质数,xyz<700?
条件 1:三个数不大于 14
条件 2:三个数里面有 70 的因数
s 轩辕十四 12/20
条件 1:都是小于 15 的质数
条件 2:是 30 的 factor
bb 12/20
DS:Integer p: is p>700?
条件 1:p is product of three prime numbers from 1-15
条件 2:p has no common factor with 70