
[Issue Essay]







1990-2005年 zyx的乡村地区能喝到干净水的人增加。很明显是国家提高了基础设施建设。寻找一个反对这个推理 感觉五个选项没有一个是对的,我选的b我知道它不对 但是d选项我推不出来,想听相关性解法


解答: 张慧雯


上周没讲专题,我们这周补上,另外,我身体没什么事情,各位不用再问我问题前加句前言不搭后语的话:老师,听说你身体不好,一定要注意哦!天气太热了;我问你个问题。。。。,让我感觉前后内容完全脱节,还是直接问吧,别绕了,又绕不好! Comparable worth, as a standard applied to eliminate inequities in pay, insists that the values of certain tasks performed in dissimilar jobs can be compared. In the last decade, this approach has become a critical social policy issue, as large numbers of private-sector firms and industries as well as federal, state, and local governmental entities have adopted comparable worth policies or begun to consider doing so. This widespread institutional awareness of comparable worth indicates increased public awareness that pay inequities--that is, situations in which pay is not "fair" because it does not reflect the true value of a job--exist in the labor market. However, the question still remains: have the gains already made in pay equity under comparable worth principles been of a precedent-setting nature or are they mostly transitory, a function of concessions made by employers to mislead female employees into believing that they have made long-term pay equity gains? Comparable worth pay adjustments are indeed precedent-setting. Because of the principles driving them, other mandates that can be applied to reduce or eliminate unjustified pay gaps between male and female workers have not remedied perceived pay inequities satisfactorily for the litigants in cases in which men and women hold different jobs. But whenever comparable worth principles are applied to pay schedules, perceived unjustified pay differences are eliminated. In this sense, then, comparable worth is more comprehensive than other mandates, such as the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Neither compares tasks in dissimilar jobs (that is, jobs across occupational categories) in an effort to determine whether or not what is necessary to perform these tasks--know-how, problem-solving, and accountability--can be quantified in terms of its dollar value to the employer. Comparable worth, on the other hand, takes as its premise that certain tasks in dissimilar jobs may require a similar amount of training, effort, and skill; may carry similar responsibility; may be carried on in an environment having a similar impact upon the worker; and may have a similar dollar value to the employer. Question #43. 281-01 (23269-!-item-!-188;#058&000281-01) Which of the following most accurately states the central purpose of the passage? (A) To criticize the implementation of a new procedure (B) To assess the significance of a change in policy (C) To illustrate how a new standard alters procedures (D) To explain how a new policy is applied in specific cases (E) To summarize the changes made to date as a result of social policy Many United States companies believe that the rising cost of employees' health care benefits has hurt the country's competitive position in the global market by raising production costs and thus increasing the prices of exported and domestically sold goods. As a result, these companies have shifted health care costs to employees in the form of wage deductions or high deductibles. This strategy, however, has actually hindered companies' competitiveness. For example, cost shifting threatens employees' health because many do not seek preventive screening. Also, labor relations have been damaged: the percentage of strikes in which health benefits were a major issue rose from 18 percent in 1986 to 78 percent in 1989. Health care costs can be managed more effectively if companies intervene in the supply side of health care delivery just as they do with other key suppliers: strategies used to procure components necessary for production would work in procuring health care. For example, the make/buy decision--the decision whether to produce or purchase parts used in making a product--can be applied to health care. At one company, for example, employees receive health care at an on-site clinic maintained by the company. The clinic fosters morale, resulting in a low rate of employees leaving the company. Additionally, the company has constrained the growth of health care costs while expanding medical services. Question #47. 323-01 (23463-!-item-!-188;#058&000323-01) The passage is primarily concerned with (A) providing support for a traditional theory (B) comparing several explanations for a problem (C) summarizing a well-known research study (D) recommending an alternative approach (E) criticizing the work of a researcher Dendrochronology, the study of tree-ring records to glean information about the past, is possible because each year a tree adds a new layer of wood between the existing wood and the bark. In temperate and subpolar climates, cells added at the growing season's start are large and thin-walled, but later the new cells that develop are smaller and thick-walled; the growing season is followed by a period of dormancy. When a tree trunk is viewed in cross section, a boundary line is normally visible between the small-celled wood added at the end of the growing season in the previous year and the large-celled spring wood of the following year's growing season. The annual growth pattern appears as a series of larger and larger rings. In wet years rings are broad; during drought years they are narrow, since the trees grow less. Often, ring patterns of dead trees of different, but overlapping, ages can be correlated to provide an extended index of past climate conditions. However, trees that grew in areas with a steady supply of groundwater show little variation in ring width from year to year; these "complacent" rings tell nothing about changes in climate. And trees in extremely dry regions may go a year or two without adding any rings, thereby introducing uncertainties into the count. Certain species sometimes add more than one ring in a single year, when growth halts temporarily and then starts again. The passage is primarily concerned with (A) evaluating the effect of climate on the growth of trees of different species (B) questioning the validity of a method used to study tree-ring records (C) explaining how climatic conditions can be deduced from tree-ring patterns (D) outlining the relation between tree size and cell structure within the tree (E) tracing the development of a scientific method of analyzing tree-ring patterns What kinds of property rights apply to Algonquian family hunting territories, and how did they come to be? The dominant view in recent decades has been that family hunting territories, like other forms of private landownership, were not found among Algonquians (a group of North American Indian tribes) before contact with Europeans but are the result of changes in Algonquian society brought about by the European-Algonquian fur trade, in combination with other factors such as ecological changes and consequent shifts in wildlife harvesting patterns. Another view claims that Algonquian family hunting territories predate contact with Europeans and are forms of private landownership by individuals and families. More recent fieldwork, however, has shown that individual and family rights to hunting territories form part of a larger land-use system of multifamilial hunting groups, that rights to hunting territories at this larger community level take precedence over those at the individual or family level, and that this system reflects a concept of spiritual and social reciprocity that conflicts with European concepts of private property. In short, there are now strong reasons to think that it was erroneous to claim that Algonquian family hunting territories ever were, or were becoming, a kind of private property system. Question #53. 351-01 (23751-!-item-!-188;#058&000351-01) The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) provide an explanation for an unexpected phenomenon (B) suggest that a particular question has yet to be answered (C) present a new perspective on an issue (D) defend a traditional view from attack (E) reconcile opposing sides of an argument Many people believe that because wages are lower in developing countries than in developed countries, competition from developing countries in goods traded internationally will soon eliminate large numbers of jobs in developed countries. Currently, developed countries' advanced technology results in higher productivity, which accounts for their higher wages. Advanced technology is being transferred ever more speedily across borders, but even with the latest technology, productivity and wages in developing countries will remain lower than in developed countries for many years because developed countries have better infrastructure and better-educated workers. When productivity in a developing country does catch up, experience suggests that wages there will rise. Some individual firms in developing countries have raised their productivity but kept their wages (which are influenced by average productivity in the country's economy) low. However, in a developing country's economy as a whole, productivity improvements in goods traded internationally are likely to cause an increase in wages. Furthermore, if wages are not allowed to rise, the value of the country's currency will appreciate, which (from the developed countries' point of view) is the equivalent of increased wages in the developing country. And although in the past a few countries have deliberately kept their currencies undervalued, that is now much harder to do in a world where capital moves more freely. Question #56. 549-01 (23894-!-item-!-188;#058&000549-01) The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) identify the origin of a common misconception (B) discuss the implications of a generally accepted principle (C) present information relevant in evaluating a commonly held belief (D) defend a controversial assertion against a variety of counterarguments (E) explain under what circumstances a well-known phenomenon occurs A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era. Researchers compared the number of tooth fractures in present-day carnivores with tooth fractures in carnivores that lived 36,000 to 10,000 years ago and that were preserved in the Rancho La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles. The breakage frequencies in the extinct species were strikingly higher than those in the present-day species. In considering possible explanations for this finding, the researchers dismissed demographic bias because older individuals were not overrepresented in the fossil samples. They rejected preservational bias because a total absence of breakage in two extinct species demonstrated that the fractures were not the result of abrasion within the pits. They ruled out local bias because breakage data obtained from other Pleistocene sites were similar to the La Brea data. The explanation they consider most plausible is behavioral differences between extinct and present-day carnivores--in particular, more contact between the teeth of predators and the bones of prey due to more thorough consumption of carcasses by the extinct species. Such thorough carcass consumption implies to the researchers either that prey availability was low, at least seasonally, or that there was intense competition over kills and a high rate of carcass theft due to relatively high predator densities. Question #59. 560-01 (24039-!-item-!-188;#058&000560-01) The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) present several explanations for a well-known fact (B) suggest alternative methods for resolving a debate (C) argue in favor of a controversial theory (D) question the methodology used in a study (E) discuss the implications of a research finding


解答: sysadmin老师


7.一个啥club,原本MALE比例为 3/5,第二年加了人,问MALE 比例是不是大于3/5 (A) 加的人,至少 一半是 MALE (B) 现在的人数是原来的6/5 问题:如果A没说至少,就说一半,能解吗? 10 数学最后一道题是考小余60的自然数和60没有公因数的个数。 问题:我算是60=2^2*3*5,所以质因子有(2+1)*(1+1)*(1+1)=12个,但我从1到60数出来是14个?


解答: sysadmin老师


47.问 13个数的中位数 是否得20? 条件1 6 numbers are less than or equal 20 条件2 6 numbers are more than or equal 20. 6.唯一有个题没找到思路,蒙的。5的K次方是大约是从99到199中的奇数的乘积,包括两端,求K(答案有13,15,20之类的)想了半天没搞出来(可能理解有误,大家不要纠结。。。)某位筒子的答案是13 7.ABCDEF六个人坐一张桌子,问A和FB相邻,B和AC相邻,C和BD相邻,D和CE相邻,E和DF相邻,F和EA相邻的概率这题没思路啊排列组合太差了怎么办啊 55.抛物线,y=(x+2)^2+1, 抛物线上一点(a,b) 问如下哪一个不对 答案是诸如a>0, b>0 a<0, b>0 这样的东西 其实就是考察的,抛物线在y轴右边部分单调增,且节距大于0,于是X>0的时候Y>0 60. DS:告诉一个正整数,它恰好有6个因数,问这个数是多少 1. 6个因数中有两个是质数 2。这个数小于15。 我选B。 符合1的数不唯一,如12,28; 符合2的只有12。


解答: sysadmin老师

