Reading Comprehension



    Firms traditionally claim that they downsize (i.e., make permanent personnel cuts) for economic reasons, laying off supposedly unnecessary staff in an attempt to become more efficient and competitive. Organization theory would explain this reasoning as an example of the "economic rationality" that it assumes underlies all organizational activities. There is evidence that firms believe they are behaving rationally whenever they downsize; yet recent research has shown that the actual economic effects of downsizing are often negative for firms. Thus, organization theory cannot adequately explain downsizing; non-economic factors must also be considered.

    One such factor is the evolution of downsizing into a powerful business myth: managers simply believe that downsizing is efficacious. Moreover, downsizing nowadays is greeted favorably by the business press; the press often refers to soaring stock prices of downsizing firms (even though research shows that stocks usually rise only briefly after downsizing and then suffer a prolonged decline).

    Once viewed as a sign of desperation, downsizing is now viewed as a signal that firms are serious about competing in the global marketplace; such signals are received positively by key actors-financial analysts, consultants, shareholders who supply firms with vital organizing resources. Thus, even if downsizers do not become economically more efficient, downsizing's mythic properties give them added prestige in the business community, enhancing their survival prospects.


The primary purpose of the passage is to


A、criticize firms for engaging in the practice of downsizing
B、analyze the negative economic impact of downsizing on firms
C、offer an alternative to a traditional explanation for the occurrence of downsizing
D、chronicle how perceptions of downsizing have changed over time
E、provide evidence disputing the prevalence of downsizing




对于D有一些疑问 文章第一段上来说downsizing好 然后yet给驳回了说downsizing其实不好,因为有一些因素没有考虑到。 第二段就是说有两个因素没被考虑到。 第三段应该是说downsizing其实还是有好处的。 那主旨不应该是人们对于downsizing的看法发生了改变? C只是说提出了一个新的观点。 但是没有体现最后一段啊。请老师解答
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CD中纠结 原文脉络理了一遍 第一段先讲传统的理论 然后提出最近的research 第二段接第一段最后讲factor 第三段讲 now viewed as xxx 感觉D更贴切 c:如果alternative是recent research的话 感觉第三段就无关了 麻烦老师解答一下
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老师这道题也是比较简单的做过的题,我对于主旨题拿捏还有不清晰的时候 我这里您看下我逻辑链和怎么弥补一下。谢谢。 这篇文章说传统公司理论认为减员出于经济原因的,公司是理性经济假设的主体,也就是说公司干这件事时是有目的的,对公司不好的话不会做傻事。 第一段最后yet转了,实际减员带来的经济影响是不好的,导致该情况的非经济因素必须考虑在内。后面就列举了说明都是哪些factors。主旨题看到这样应该可以做了。我在CE犹豫。C不选是因为alternative体现了一种平等替换的感觉,这里,传统经济学理论是作者不认为与实际相结合反映实际情况的啊,怎么能是和作者提出的另外观点平起平坐呢。所以情感上就把alternative的杀了。选E是因为,的确是提供了factor的分析作为evidence去驳斥了传统理念解释的减员,或者还是我把prevalence解读有误?麻烦老师解惑 我谢谢!希望主旨题不要总掉进去啊。谢谢
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应该选c, 我选了a。 主旨题第一遍读没有读明白作者的态度,想问这类主旨题怎么通读文章才能准确把握作者观点。
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