Sentence Correction



According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas.


A、minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice
B、minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who plan on practicing
C、minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing
D、it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will plan to practice
E、it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to practice




觉得A和C都是在比较两群人在某个方面,所以保留了AC,接下来因为A 里有个more , 指比4倍还多。 C 里面没有more , as likely as 指和4倍一样。 所以觉得C 更改了原文意思, 没有选C,求老师比较两个选项,谢谢!
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错选了B 老师帮看下
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根据语序排除DE,根据语义排除了B.剩下AC 课上讲的A表达了进行的意思 与原意不符所以选C 但我课后考虑 in doing 是不是有在某方面的意思?而且对于比较时的一致性产生了疑惑,A是主谓怎样than谓主,而C是主谓怎样就像主怎样。感觉C不一致阿。 对比于ID70 sc的正确答案所用原则: For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than the economies of Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained well below that of the other three countries. 彻底晕了,可能我对原则理解的还是不够透?请老师指教。。
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读完看选项DE差太远了排除了。剩下ABC,B是强调了那个人语义不对排除。剩下AC觉得A用in强调在planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas这方面有4倍可能(在哪方面比谁更有4倍可能觉得语义通顺)所以选A了。请老师解答 还有一题也是模考系统里面的 The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher (Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending) from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile. Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending BE应该怎么比。
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读题后发现,A,B,C比D,E语义明确,所以保留A,B,C,然后观察比较词前后的内容,发现A,minority graduates 和 are other graduates, 主语不对应,所以cancel. B, minority graduates 和 other graduates who plan on practicing, 比较不清晰,所以cancel,所以最终选c.
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