Reading Comprehension



    Historians who study European women of the Renaissance try to measure "independence," "options," and other indicators of the degree to which the expression of women's individuality was either permitted or suppressed.Influenced by Western individualism, these historians define a peculiar form of personhood: an innately bounded unit, autonomous and standing apart from both nature and society. An anthropologist, however, would contend that a person can be conceived in ways other than as an "individual." In many societies a person's identity is not intrinsically unique and self-contained but instead is defined within a complex web of social relationships.

    In her study of the fifteenth-century Florentine widow Alessandra Strozzi, a historian who specializes in European women of the Renaissance attributes individual intention and authorship of actions to her subject. This historian assumes that Alessandra had goals and interests different from those of her sons, yet much of the historian's own research reveals that Alessandra acted primarily as a champion of her sons' interests, taking their goals as her own. Thus Alessandra conforms more closely to the anthropologist's notion that personal motivation is embedded in a social context. Indeed, one could argue that Alessandra did not distinguish her personhood from that of her sons. In Renaissance Europe the boundaries of the con-ceptual self were not always firm and closed and did not necessarily coincide with the boundaries of the bodily self.


The passage suggests that the historian mentioned in the second paragraph (the highlighted text) would be most likely to agree with which of the following assertions regarding Alessandra Strozzi?


A、Alessandra was able to act more independently than most women of her time because she was a widow.
B、Alessandra was aware that her personal motivation was embedded in a social context.
C、Alessandra had goals and interests similar to those of many other widows in her society.
D、Alessandra is an example of a Renaissance woman who expressed her individuality through independent action.
E、Alessandra was exceptional because she was able to effect changes in the social constraints placed upon women in her society.




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我这么理解的: 文章了两年的衰退, 但是奇怪的是: 第一年的信用比率下降 但是第二年却回到正常水平。问为什么?? 我没搞懂选哪个 蒙的A 因为我觉得A选项直接说了 信用比率发生了什么的问题 而其它选项没提及。 请教老师~
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OG16 P396 73题问 作者在原文中提到 “Supervision of schools"的主要作用是什么?
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这是人人网上的一道逻辑题,分析我有点不明白,还请老师讲解一下。 答案是D,我选的是E。 我觉得D和E的性质是一样的,我觉得这两个选项都是在说另外一个因素的影响,D是light,E是the air filters变化的频率,我有点分不明白这两个选项的区别,请老师讲一讲,谢谢。 Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air, and plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas. In an experiment to see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide, classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide. Plants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse. Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result? (A) The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas. (B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses. (C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment. (D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside. (E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.
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首先我做这道题的时候是倒数第七题了,时间很紧, 一,我分析题目 题目说的是 文章提到历史学家(这个历史学家是第二段提到的在高两处)会同意一下哪个assertions是关于AS的 二,地位到第二段开始,发现了AS和历史学家,读了第二段, 第二段的主要讲了A 有个goal和他的儿子不一样,但是其他的历史学家说是陪伴与他儿子的兴趣的,拿他儿子的兴趣作为自己的兴趣,于是A很自然的接近于A这学家的观点,这个观点是关于个人的动机是嵌入于社会的。 三,读完觉得说到了AS的事情,可以回去看选项找沾边的,选了B
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