
[Reading Comprehension]



    Scientists generally credit violent collisions between tectonic plates, the mobile fragments of Earth's rocky outer shell, with sculpting the planet's surface, as, for example, when what is now the Indian subcontinent collided with Asia, producing the Himalayan Mountains. However, plate tectonics cannot fully explain certain massive surface features, such as the "superswell" of southern Africa, a vast plateau over 1,000 miles across and nearly a mile high. Geologic evidence shows that southern African has been slowly rising for the past 100 million years, yet it has not experienced a tectonic collision for nearly 400 million years.The explanation may be in Earth's mantle, the layer of rock underlying the tectonic plates and extending down over 1,800 miles to the outer edge of Earth's iron core.

    Since the early twentieth century, geophysicists have understood that the mantle churns and roils like a thick soup. The relative low density of the hottest rock makes that material buoyant, so it slowly ascends, while cooler, denser rock sinks until heat escaping the molten core warms it enough to make it rise again. While this process of convection was known to enable the horizontal movement of tectonic plates, until recently geophysicists were skeptical of its ability to lift or lower the planet's surface vertically. However, recent technological advances have allowed geophysicists to make three-dimensional "snapshots" of the mantle by measuring vibrations, or seismic waves, set in motion by earthquakes originating in the planet's outer shell and recording the time it takes for them to travel from an earthquake's epicenter to a particular recording station at the surface. Because geophysicists know that seismic waves become sluggish in hot, low-density rock, and speed up in colder, denser regions, they can now infer the temperatures and densities in a given segment of the interior. By compiling a map of seismic velocities from thousands of earthquakes across the globe, they can also begin to map temperatures and densities throughout the mantle. These methods have revealed some unexpectedly immense formations in the deepest parts of the mantle; the largest of these is a buoyant mass of hot rock directly below Africa's southern tip. Dis-pelling researchers' initial doubts, computer models have confirmed that this formation is buoyant enough to rise slowly within the mantle and strong enough to push Africa upward as it rises.


The passage suggests that geophysicists can now infer the characteristics in a given segment of the mantle by doing which of the following?


A、Observing how long it takes for seismic waves to travel from an earthquake's epicenter to a particular surface location and applying knowledge of how rock temperature and density affect the velocity of those waves
B、Analyzing the results of studies linking the formation of some of Earth's surface features with the violent collisions of tectonic plates and inferring the causes of the information of other features from those results
C、Recording data about earthquakes throughout the world and correlating the relative force and duration of those earthquakes with information about their geological environment
D、Comparing data about earthquakes that occur in southern Africa's superswell with data about other types of seismic events that occur there
E、Using computer models to estimate the length of time it would take for a hypothetical landmass 1,000 miles across to rise one mile vertically




定位到了however, recent technological advances have allowed 直到recording station at the surface. 但是选项读的都不太明白,又担心暗示题有词对意不对的陷阱。请问老师怎么选?谢谢


解答: 郭培月


定位到了however, recent technological advances have allowed 直到recording station at the surface. 但是选项读的都不太明白,又担心暗示题有词对意不对的陷阱。请问老师怎么选?谢谢


解答: 郭培月老师


本题错选C,根据问题找given、segment、mantle。在找到segment of interior后判读下一句即为定位句,因为看到by觉得这是一个方法与问题所问相符。可是看了答案之后发现定位句应该在前两句,可是在做题时看到three dimensional“snapshot”后就跳过此句,因为判断此句介绍“snapshot”与问题无关。 请问徐诚老师,我犯得错误是不是仅凭个别此句去判断有关无关,而没有理解句子意思?可是在时间限制和阅读能力欠缺的情况下,无法逐字逐句的读,我该如何判断? PS:可不可以带着读一下整篇文章的脉络? 我做题时觉得这是一片解释现象的文章,第一段就扫了一下,第二段看了第一句,第三句,第四句前半部,第五句后半部,第六句,第七句两分句承上词后面的的部分,第八句承上词附近的几个单词。


解答: sysadmin老师

